A Journey in Last-Minute Alterations and Repurposing

This customer journey map follows a bride's experience with Elie's Alterations, a service known for its fast and high-quality tailoring. It highlights the bride's initial anxiety about last-minute dress changes, followed by her satisfaction with the service's efficient work and personalized attention. The journey even extends beyond the wedding, showcasing how Elie's Alterations helps repurpose the dress, fostering a lasting relationship with the customer.

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Emily's Empowered Day: Navigating Joy and Growth at Safehaven

This project, originally envisioned as a collaborative endeavor, has since evolved to specifically address the needs of a child with cerebral palsy through the application of technology. While technological advancements provide convenience for able-bodied individuals, they can be transformative and vital for those with disabilities.

The concept of independence is traditionally associated with milestones such as attending college, securing a job, and owning a home. However, for individuals with disabilities, independence can also mean having the autonomy to perform daily activities and engage with their environment in meaningful ways. This brief explores how technology can be adapted to improve the independence and autonomy of children with cerebral palsy, specifically through the daily routine of an 8-year-old child named Emily.

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